Time to End the “Ceasefire” – Gerald Horne

November 04, 2020

The election shows that anti-elitism has been captured by the right. It's time for progressives to end the "ceasefire", and fight the enormous pressure that will be exerted to make the Biden administration "get along" with a Republican controlled Senate. Progressives must fight anti-Trump neocons pu

The election shows that anti-elitism has been captured by the right. It's time for progressives to end the "ceasefire", and fight the enormous pressure that will be exerted to make the Biden administration "get along" with a Republican controlled Senate. Progressives must fight anti-Trump neocons pushing Democrats further right, says Gerald Horne on podcast with Paul Jay.


Paul Jay

Hi, I'm Paul Jay, and welcome to podcast, and please don't forget the donate button at the top of the webpage.

As we record this podcast, it looks like once the mail-in vote is all counted, Joe Biden will be president of the United States, and the Senate will remain in Republican control. So what happened to the Biden landslide many thought would take place after Trump's pandemic denial? Bernie Sanders had been pleading with Biden to pay more attention to his economic message;

Jobs and infrastructure spending. In Pennsylvania, Biden didn't hammer a just transition and jobs for displaced workers in the fossil fuel industry. He mentioned it, but he didn't hammer it, didn't make any commitments. Sanders wanted AOC featured more prominently in the campaign to energize the youth and Latino vote. That didn't happen either. It looks like, as I said, Biden will be president with a Republican Senate, and that's just as it's been reported, Wall Street wanted. Trump is already calling the election stolen, and calling on the Supreme Court to stop the voting where he's ahead, and continue counting where he's behind.

The man is batshit crazy, but so is the American political system. A fundamentally undemocratic system, where the majority doesn't rule, is breaking at the seams. Now, joining us to break this down is Gerald Horne. He's the historian who holds the John Jay and Rebecca Morris Chair of History and African-American studies at the University of Houston. Thanks for joining us again, Gerald.

Gerald Horne

Thank you for inviting me.

Paul Jay

So what's your take on this moment we're in? Just to add one thing, as we're talking, it's been announced Trump is going to call for a recount in Wisconsin, but according to the pundits and news analysts and so, that's unlikely to change the outcome.

So just to add that piece of news.

Gerald Horne

Well, I think, or I'm tempted to say, that Mr. Trump will need a consistent narrative. I think that it's wildly inconsistent to ask for the votes to stop in jurisdictions where he's ahead.

Paul Jay

Well, there is a certain consistency for Trump by Trumpist logic.

Gerald Horne

Well, I guess so. But remember, I said I was tempted to say, but then I started thinking of the 20,000 lies he's told the 189 lies he told on one day in August 2020. So I guess that really doesn't matter to his constituency. With regard to the November 3rd election, I think it's a mixed bag, although I have to confess that I'm generally disappointed with the results, although I must say that I may have been misled by many others, by the pollsters, who I think we really have to start disregarding. They misled us in 2016. I think they misled us again in 2020, and I don't think they have any more credibility...